War and Peace Chapter-a-Day Read-along Comment Post – Week 2
Deacon Nick
January 13, 2020

We’ve just finished week 2 of the War and Peace Chapter-a-Day Read-along. If you’re reading according to the schedule then you read chapters 6 through 12 this week. How do you feel about Tolstoy’s writing style so far? Does War and Peace read the way you expected it would? Leave comments on those questions or on any other War and Peace topics you choose.
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Tags: 2020 Chapter-a-Day Read-alongWar and Peace
Deacon Nick
Nick Senger is a husband, a father of four, a Roman Catholic deacon and a Catholic school principal. He taught junior high literature and writing for over 25 years, and has been a Catholic school educator since 1990. In 2001 he was named a Distinguished Teacher of the Year by the National Catholic Education Association.
I’m loving it so far Nick. The 2 partie scenes were a great way to meet a few of the key players & see them in action. (3 if you count the drunken bear scene with the lads!)
My first read, 20 yrs ago was with the Princess AK & I found it a bit of a slog.
My current penguin edition, with Anthony Briggs translating is much more natural in style & is bringing out the humour, I’d heard about but didn’t experience the first time.
Yes, I like the way the parties introduce everyone and then Tolstoy revisits them a few at a time. I’m finding the chapter-a-day format particularly good for War and Peace. The chapters are just the right length for me.
I’ve just finished Ch. 24. I am really liking it so far. I think I remember liking it initially when I read it last year, but once all the war parts started in, it got more tedious. I am hoping that will not be the case this time around. Maybe this slower read will also help it be a better reading. I read it much more quickly last year (I read it in about 7 weeks). Anyway, I’m really liking it so far! 🙂
I’m still reading this every day. Book IV and V have really gotten entertaining.