Tagged: Seattle
Journey of Delight: Reflections on Kevin Honeycutt at NCCE 2016
He spoke from his own custom podium (the Godium) that sported a disco ball and a portable light show. He played a custom steampunk guitar and wore a headband that read his brain waves. Around his neck hung an Antikythera Mechanism pendant. He’s Kevin Honeycutt, and his keynote speech at NCCE 2016 was an inspiring, entertaining, and thought-provoking journey of delight. Wikipedia says that Kevin is “an international keynote speaker on technology, education and cyber-bullying prevention,” and for ninety minutes on Thursday, February 25, 2016, he held 1800 teachers...
My First Experience with Google Cardboard
Today at NCCE 2016 I got to play with a cool new technology, Google Cardboard. They were on display at today’s Google Summit and again this evening at the GEG Washington meetup. These virtual reality glasses are made of cardboard and cost less than $20. Once you stick a smart phone inside and put them on, you are immersed in a 3D environment. They were on display through the Expeditions Pioneer Program, a team of people who bring Google Cardboard to schools so students can travel virtually to far distant...
Top 5 Skills Taught in Today’s Catholic Schools?
Today I was at a presentation by Richard Achée of Google, and one of his slides showed the top skills currently needed in today’s workplace according to The Economist: The top five are: Problem solving Team-working Communication Critical Thinking Creativity Are these are the top five skills we are teaching in Catholic schools today?
#NCCE2016 First Report
It’s lunch time in Seattle at NCCE 2016 and I have a little time to share my experiences. So far I’ve attended three presentations and they have all been excellent. I’ve been participating in the Google Summit, which is almost like a conference within a conference. It began with a keynote by Holly Clark who spoke on the the topic “Disrupt Education.” She spoke of how Netflix disrupted the video rental world first with sending DVDs to homes with no late fees, then by streaming movies to homes, and...
Countdown to NCCE 2016
Packed for NCCE 2016. Plane flight this evening, Google Summit all day tomorrow.