Music to Listen to While You Read, Part III – Lord of the Rings
As promised in part II, here are some CDs I like to listen to while I read The Lord of the Rings:
The Tolkien Ensemble has done a beautiful job setting all of the songs in The Lord of the Rings to music. Their work is collected in four CDs: An Evening in Rivendell, A Night in Rivendell, At Dawn in Rivendelland Leaving Rivendell. The sound is more classical than I expected, but it really grew on me.
- Another album I listen to is Broceliande’s Starlit Jewel. This is another interpretation of songs from Lord of the Rings, but with a more ethereal sound. The CD also includes songs from The Hobbit.
- Finally, there is Johan de Meij’s Symphony No. 1, also known as The Lord of the Rings Symphony. Composed and recorded long before the movies, this symphony is a series of movements inspired by the books and titled Gandalf, Lothlorien, Gollum, Journey in the Dark, and The Hobbits.