Mount Vancouver TBR Checkpoint – October 2017

Mountain of Books

Wow, somehow I missed doing any checkpoints for the Mount TBR Reading Challenge, but at least I’ll get one in before the end of the year. TBR stands for “To Be Read,” and refers to the mountain of books that have been sitting on my shelves or in my Amazon cloud that I haven’t read yet. It’s the middle of October, and I’ve read 22 books on my way to Mount Vancouver, leaving me with 6 more books to go. Here are my finished books so far:

  1. The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux- Finished 1/1/2017
  2. Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell – Finished 1/5/2017
  3. To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey – Finished 1/11/2017
  4. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell- Finished 1/14/2017
  5. The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox by Barry Hughart– Finished 1/28/2017
  6. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman- Finished 1/29/2017
  7. The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu by Sax Rohmer – Finished 1/31/2017
  8. The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- Finished 2/8/2017
  9. How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn – Finished 2/11/2017
  10. 4:50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie – Finished 2/13/2017
  11. The Diamond Throne by David Eddings – Finished 2/20/2017
  12. The Ruby Knight by David Eddings- Finished 2/27/2017
  13. The Sapphire Rose by David Eddings – Finished 3/7/2017
  14. Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy – Finished 4/8/2017
  15. Zuleika Dobson by Max Beerbohm – Finished 5/22/2017
  16. The Trial by Franz Kafka – Finished 5/28/2017
  17. A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel DeFoe – Finished 6/17/2017
  18. Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry – Finished 7/11/2017
  19. O Pioneers! by Willa Cather- Finished 7/16/2017
  20. Empire of the East by Fred Saberhagen – Finished 9/16/2017
  21. Emma by Jane Austen – Finished 9/27/2017
  22. The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie – Finished 10/3/2017 (Review to come)

Bev, the Mount TBR Challenge host, has offered some suggested questions for this checkpoint and here’s the one I’ve chosen:

Which book (read so far) has been on your TBR mountain the longest? Was it worth the wait? Or is it possible you should have tackled it back when you first put it on the pile? Or tossed it off the edge without reading it all?

The Elenium series (The Diamond Throne, etc.) by David Eddings has been on my TBR mountain for about 25 years, and I think I would have enjoyed it more had I read it when I originally bought it. I’m glad I read it, but I’m a different reader than I was in the early 1990s, and it was not as interesting to me now as it would have been to my younger self.

I’m pretty confident that I’ll meet this challenge, and if I do it will be a huge relief to have made a dent into a TBR mountain that is still over 700 books tall. Scary thought: if I read 36 books off my TBR pile each year, then I’ll have them all finished in about 20 years. That is, if I don’t buy any more books. Yeah, right.

Deacon Nick

Nick Senger is a husband, a father of four, a Roman Catholic deacon and a Catholic school principal. He taught junior high literature and writing for over 25 years, and has been a Catholic school educator since 1990. In 2001 he was named a Distinguished Teacher of the Year by the National Catholic Education Association.

2 Responses

  1. Great, you are on the go. I have read 36 book so far and reached Mt Vancouver. I was aiming at Mt Everest, but I think I was a little bit too optimistic. If I can reach Mt Kilimanjaro with 60 books I am pleased!

    • Deacon Nick says:

      Wow, 60 books would be amazing! This is my first year doing the Mount TBR challenge and it has really helped me get to those books that had been calling my name.

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