Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along: The Final Countdown

Well, this is it, ten days left in the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along! Are you still on track to finish? Have you already finished?
I apologize again for not having many updates after I changed jobs and started back to school. Hopefully that didn’t derail your plans to read the book.
For those of you in the Spokane area, I am hosting a Les Misérables Live Final Chapter Reading and Celebration at St. John Vianney Catholic School on December 31 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. I’ll read the final chapter aloud and we’ll have a chance to socialize and talk about our experience reading the novel over the course of the last year.
For those of you not in the Spokane are and who may be following the read-along on Twitter, I will try to broadcast the final chapter reading using Twitter Live. It will take place around 2 p.m. Pacific Time.
People have been asking me if I am going to host another Chapter-a-Day Read-along for 2019, and the answer is yes. I probably won’t be able to write too much about it from February to May, but I’ll continue to use Twitter and Facebook to post quotes from the chapters I’m reading to encourage people to keep going.
But what will we be reading?
Right now I have polls on both Facebook and Twitter to help me answer that very question. If you’d like to weigh in, leave a comment with your thoughts. These are the two options I’m considering:
- War and Peace – This may be the most famous long novel of them all and, interestingly enough, it has exactly 365 chapters.
- I know of no other books that have exactly 365 chapters, so the second option is to read several books whose chapters add up to 365. The books I have chosen so far for this option are Don Quixote, The Count of Monte Cristo, and The Old Curiosity Shop.
After Christmas I’ll look at the results and make a decision. In the meantime, enjoy the remaining ten chapters of Les Misérables!
I wish if I have joined Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day, but I still have time to join the new Read-along.
P.S. How can I vote for the next read? As I am all for The Count of Count of Monte Cristo.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Your comment is your vote, so I’ll add one more tally to the Don Quixote/Count of Monte Cristo option.
Thank you so much, I can’t wait for the big reveal; high hopes it’s going to be for the favour of the Count of Monte Cristo.
I want to finish Don Quixote (I real the first half last year), so I vote for that.
I enjoyed “Les Miserables” read along and my vote for next is “The Count of Monte Cristo”
I won’t vote on this, but I do want to comment on the Les Mis Readalong. I failed it. I only got through Volume 1. I think I will slowly make my way through it in the future, but I lost momentum this year. Thanks for hosting these readalongs.