Category: Twitter

Madeleine and Candlesticks

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 9 Highlights

An agonizing decision, an enigmatic dream, a frantic carriage ride to a strange town–such was week nine of the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along. And here is what it looked like on Twitter: Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along: Happy 216th Birthday, Victor Hugo! #lesmisreadalong — Nick Senger (@nsenger) February 26, 2018 #lesmisreadalong — AStrongBeliefWicker She/her 5 x VAXX ??‍♀️ (@AStrongBelief) February 27, 2018 …he looked, and he saw that these two stars were the lamps of a carriage. By the light which they emitted, he could...

Sr. Simplice

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 8 Highlights

We’re two months into the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along, eight full weeks. We’re still in Volume One: Fantine, and this week we finished Book Five: The Descent, we read Book Six: Javert, and we began Book Seven: The Champmathieu Affair. Here are a few examples what people had to say about these chapters on Twitter: Great grief is a divine and terrible radiance which transfigures the wretched. At that moment Fantine had again become beautiful.V1 B5 C13 #LesMisReadalong — Rick...

The Thenardiers

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 7 Highlights and a Les Mis Podcast

It’s been seven weeks since we started the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along, and the discussion on Twitter is more interesting than ever. Several people are exploring the background of the book and its author Victor Hugo, and they’re sharing their discoveries with the rest of us. Others are tweeting about the reading experience and how it’s affecting them. You can check out the conversation at #LesMisReadalong. You don’t even need a Twitter account to follow along. For those of you who may have missed it on Twitter, Briana Lewis has...

Cosette Twitter

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 6 Highlights

Here we at the end of Week 6 of the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along, and the story is really beginning to move. We’ve read forty-two chapters so far–about 170 pages–and this past week we were introduced to some of the most important characters in the book.  It’s still not too late to join in the fun, simply download the reading schedule and do what you can to catch up. Speaking of joining in, we welcome Laura Roberts who jumped in this past week, as you can see below in...

Fantine on Twitter

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 5 Highlights

I’ve been out of town for most of this week, so pardon me if I haven’t been as active on Twitter, but I’ve definitely kept up with the conversation on Twitter at #LesMisReadalong. Here are some of the highlights from this past week: Slow Reading #LesMisReadalong — ?Roaring Stories? (@RoaringStories) January 29, 2018 #LesMisReadalong V1B3C2 Tholomyès does not sound like a great catch for 'little Fantine' though. "A 30 year old pleasure seeker and badly preserved". Although the 4,000 Francs per year would add to his charms...

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 4 Highlights

This past week in the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along featured one of the most famous scenes in the novel, and perhaps in all of literature: The Bishop’s Candlesticks. The twitter chat at #LesMisReadalong was abuzz with reactions to it, along with a host of other thoughts and favorite quotes. Here are a few highlights: For him the external world had scarcely an existence. It would almost be true to say that for Jean Valjean there was no sun, no beautiful summer days, no radiant sky, no fresh April dawn. Some dim window light was...

Jean Valjean on Twitter

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 3 Highlights

As readers are finishing week three of the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along, the Twitter chat has been informative and fun. You can be a part of the Les Mis action by using the hashtag #LesMisReadalong. Here’s a sampling of the tweets from this past week: The good woman touched the man's arm and pointed out to him on the other side of the square a little low house beside the bishop's palace."You have knocked at every door?" she asked."Yes.""Have you knocked at that one?""No.""Knock...

Victor Hugo on Twitter

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 2 Highlights

The tweets keep coming in the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along. We’ve finally reached the end of Book 1: A Good Man, and I’ll have a new read-along post up tomorrow to wrap it up and look forward to Book 2. In the meantime, enjoy this post which gathers some of the tweets from the second week. A big Thank You! to everyone who’s sharing their favorite quotes, thoughts on translation, struggles, victories, and all the other other ways Les Misérables is affecting you. You’re making this read-along an interactive adventure, and...

The Bishop of Digne

#LesMisReadalong on Twitter: Week 1

We’ve almost finished the first week of the Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along, and the Twitter conversation about the opening few chapters has been amazing. Readers are using the hashtag #LesMisReadalong to chronicle their reading experience, share their knowledge, and support each other in their literary journey. But if you don’t have a Twitter account, not to worry. This post is a sampling of some of the tweets from this past week that caught my attention. And I’ll have a new read-along post on Monday that will feature that humble,...