Announcing the 2021-2022 Musketeer Chapter-a-Day Read-along

Musketeer detail

This is the official sign-up post for the 2022 Musketeer Chapter-a-Day Read-along! You’re invited to join me in reading one of the great adventure series of all time, the D’Artagnan Romances. Each chapter averages about 8 pages, so you should only have to dedicate 10 to 15 minutes a day to reading. And if you get behind, you can catch up pretty easily.

Wait, what? 2022? It’s only October, so why am I already announcing next year’s chapter-a-day read-along? There’s a special reason, and it goes all the way back to last December. I’ve been hinting at a special announcement this year, and I’m finally happy to say that today is the day, and it all has to do with our next book in this year’s read-along. Last year when I announced the 2021 Chapter-a-Day Read-along, I said that there were three reasons I chose The Three Musketeers:

first, it’s a book I can’t get enough of, and I want to encourage others to read it; second, so many people enjoyed The Count of Monte Cristo during our 2019 read-along that I thought another Dumas book would be appreciated; and I am going to keep the third reason to myself for the time being and reveal it sometime before we start reading it in late October.

Well, October is here, and we are less than three weeks from beginning The Three Musketeers. So it’s time to share with you not only the final reason I chose The Three Musketeers, but also why it was chosen to be the final book of the year. You see, it’s not just the final book of the 2021 Chapter-a-Day Read-along, but it’s also the first book of the 2021-2022 Chapter-a-Day Read-along! Starting October 25, 2021, we will be starting on the grand adventure of reading the entire Musketeer series, which will take us the rest of this year and all of next year.

While almost everyone has heard of The Three Musketeers, not nearly as many people know that Alexandre Dumas continued the story of D’Artagnan in two sequels, Twenty Years After and the multi-volume The Vicomte de Bragelonne (which includes The Man in the Iron Mask). By starting The Three Musketeers on October 25, 2021, and reading a chapter a day, we will finish the entire D’Artagnan series by December 31, 2022.

If you’re currently participating in the 2021 read-along, I hope your reading of The Three Musketeers will be so enjoyable that you will want to continue the series next year. If you’re not yet participating in this year’s read-along, I invite you to join us for The Three Musketeers starting on October 25, as a beginning to next year’s read-along.

Why Read the D’Artagnan Series?

The D’Artagnan series is a top-rate work of action-oriented historical fiction with plenty of witty dialogue and surprising plot revelations. Though written between 1844 and 1850, the books move along with the pace of a modern novel, all dialogue and action. Based on the life of a real musketeer, Charles de Batz-Castelmore d’Artagnan, the series showcases Dumas’ ability to immerse the reader in the life of 17th century France and England. While The Count of Monte Cristo remain’s the author’s masterpiece, the D’Artagnan series is still one great, rollicking tale, and well worthy of a long, slow read.

The D’Artagnan stories were all originally published serially. The Three Musketeers was published between March and July of 1844; Twenty Years After was published between January and August of 1845; and the huge final novel The Vicomte de Bragelonne was published across more than two years, between October 1847 and January 1850.

The Three Musketeers is one of my desert island books. I’ve read it many times over the years, and I never tire of it. The rest of the series builds on the adventures and escapades of D’Artagnan and his musketeer companions. I love hanging out not only with D’Artagnan, Athos, Aramis, and Porthos, but also with their servants Planchet, Mousqueton, Grimaud, and Bazin. Set between 1625 and 1673, the story is filled with monarchs and maidens, swordplay and society, history and humor, romance and rebellion. The books are the perfect daily dose of action and intrigue, and should make for a great chapter-a-day experience.

How to Participate

  1. Leave a comment on this post telling everyone that you’ll be reading along and why.
  2. Get copies of the different books in the series (see below for details).
  3. Download the 2021-2022 Musketeer Chapter a Day Read-along Schedule.
  4. Commit to reading a chapter a day, starting on October 25, 2021 (or January 1, 2022 if you’ve recently read The Three Musketeers). If you get behind or race ahead, no worries. Life happens.
  5. It’s purely optional, but I encourage you to join me in posting a quote each day on Facebook or Twitter. I will be posting on both, using the hashtag #musketeerreadalong. My Twitter and Facebook posts will stay on track with the reading schedule, and I only ask that you please respect the reading experience of those who may not know the full story. In other words, no spoilers!
  6. Please feel free to post the Musketeer Chapter-a-Day Read-Along graphic on your website or blog to spread the word.
  7. Subscribe to One Catholic Life so you don’t miss any read-along posts throughout the year. You can get updates via email by using the form in the right-hand sidebar.

Reading Schedule

As I mentioned above, to read all the books in the series in a chapter a day, it will take more than a full year. We will read The Three Musketeers in the closing months of 2021 and the sequels in 2022. Here is a broad outline of the reading schedule:

  • The Three Musketeers: October 25, 2021 to December 31, 2021
  • Twenty Years After: January 1, 2022 to April 7, 2022
  • The Vicomte de Bragelonne: April 8, 2022 to December 31, 2022

As you can tell by the looking at the schedule, The Vicomte de Bragelonne is a huge novel. It is so long, in fact, that it has been divided into several volumes, but not always in the same way. Sometimes it is split into three volumes, sometimes four, and sometimes even five or six volumes. Because of this, creating the reading schedule proved to be a bit of a challenge. To keep things simple, I created the schedule using the two most available sources of the novel in English: the Oxford World’s Classics paperback/Kindle editions (which are also available as audiobooks from Audible) and the free online editions from Project Gutenberg (which are also available as a free audiobooks from Librivox).

The Oxford’s World’s Classics edition of the series is an excellent translation and is readily available, so I used that as the foundation for the schedule, adapting it to the public domain version on Project Gutenberg. I tried to be as careful as possible to match the two different versions so that we are all reading the same text on the same day, but my apologies in advance if there are errors.

There are many different editions out there, so it can be quite confusing to get the right ones. To make it easier for you, I have provided direct links to the paperbacks on the Oxford World Classics website, as well as links to their Kindle editions on Amazon (as usual, Amazon links are affiliate links). I have also provided direct links to the free online editions at Project Gutenberg.

Here is the series as published by Oxford World’s Classics:

And here is the series as available online for free at Project Gutenberg:

Special Note

While this is called the Musketeer Chapter-a-day Read-along, there are many other characters who take center stage throughout the series. There are even times when the musketeers are not heard from for quite a while. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is helpful to know before starting the series so that you know what to expect.


Finally, I want to thank everyone who is participating in this year’s read-along and all those who have participated in the past. Reading a book in a chapter a day is great way to tackle an otherwise intimidating classic, but it is so much more fun to do it with others. Seeing the quotes you post on Twitter is motivational and inspirational, and I look forward to them each day. I can’t wait to read the D’Artagnan books with you!

2021-2022 Musketeer Chapter-a-Day Read-along Schedule

Here is the read-along schedule, and you can also download it as a pdf here: Nick’s 2021-2022 Musketeer Chapter a Day Read-along Schedule

Day Date Book
Oxford World’s Classics Texts Public Domain Texts
The Three Musketeers The Three Musketeers
298 10/25/2021 Chapter 1 Chapter 1
299 10/26/2021 Chapter 2 Chapter 2
300 10/27/2021 Chapter 3 Chapter 3
301 10/28/2021 Chapter 4 Chapter 4
302 10/29/2021 Chapter 5 Chapter 5
303 10/30/2021 Chapter 6 Chapter 6
304 10/31/2021 Chapter 7 Chapter 7
305 11/1/2021 Chapter 8 Chapter 8
306 11/2/2021 Chapter 9 Chapter 9
307 11/3/2021 Chapter 10 Chapter 10
308 11/4/2021 Chapter 11 Chapter 11
309 11/5/2021 Chapter 12 Chapter 12
310 11/6/2021 Chapter 13 Chapter 13
311 11/7/2021 Chapter 14 Chapter 14
312 11/8/2021 Chapter 15 Chapter 15
313 11/9/2021 Chapter 16 Chapter 16
314 11/10/2021 Chapter 17 Chapter 17
315 11/11/2021 Chapter 18 Chapter 18
316 11/12/2021 Chapter 19 Chapter 19
317 11/13/2021 Chapter 20 Chapter 20
318 11/14/2021 Chapter 21 Chapter 21
319 11/15/2021 Chapter 22 Chapter 22
320 11/16/2021 Chapter 23 Chapter 23
321 11/17/2021 Chapter 24 Chapter 24
322 11/18/2021 Chapter 25 Chapter 25
323 11/19/2021 Chapter 26 Chapter 26
324 11/20/2021 Chapter 27 Chapter 27
325 11/21/2021 Chapter 28 Chapter 28
326 11/22/2021 Chapter 29 Chapter 29
327 11/23/2021 Chapter 30 Chapter 30
328 11/24/2021 Chapter 31 Chapter 31
329 11/25/2021 Chapter 32 Chapter 32
330 11/26/2021 Chapter 33 Chapter 33
331 11/27/2021 Chapter 34 Chapter 34
332 11/28/2021 Chapter 35 Chapter 35
333 11/29/2021 Chapter 36 Chapter 36
334 11/30/2021 Chapter 37 Chapter 37
335 12/1/2021 Chapter 38 Chapter 38
336 12/2/2021 Chapter 39 Chapter 39
337 12/3/2021 Chapter 40 Chapter 40
338 12/4/2021 Chapter 41 Chapter 41
339 12/5/2021 Chapter 42 Chapter 42
340 12/6/2021 Chapter 43 Chapter 43
341 12/7/2021 Chapter 44 Chapter 44
342 12/8/2021 Chapter 45 Chapter 45
343 12/9/2021 Chapter 46 Chapter 46
344 12/10/2021 Chapter 47 Chapter 47
345 12/11/2021 Chapter 48 Chapter 48
346 12/12/2021 Chapter 49 Chapter 49
347 12/13/2021 Chapter 50 Chapter 50
348 12/14/2021 Chapter 51 Chapter 51
349 12/15/2021 Chapter 52 Chapter 52
350 12/16/2021 Chapter 53 Chapter 53
351 12/17/2021 Chapter 54 Chapter 54
352 12/18/2021 Chapter 55 Chapter 55
353 12/19/2021 Chapter 56 Chapter 56
354 12/20/2021 Chapter 57 Chapter 57
355 12/21/2021 Chapter 58 Chapter 58
356 12/22/2021 Chapter 59 Chapter 59
357 12/23/2021 Chapter 60 Chapter 60
358 12/24/2021 Chapter 61 Chapter 61
359 12/25/2021 Chapter 62 Chapter 62
360 12/26/2021 Chapter 63 Chapter 63
361 12/27/2021 Chapter 64 Chapter 64
362 12/28/2021 Chapter 65 Chapter 65
363 12/29/2021 Chapter 66 Chapter 66
364 12/30/2021 Chapter 67 Chapter 67
365 12/31/2021 Epilogue Epilogue
Twenty Years After Twenty Years After
1 1/1/2022 Chapter 1 Chapter 1
2 1/2/2022 Chapter 2 Chapter 2
3 1/3/2022 Chapter 3 Chapter 3
4 1/4/2022 Chapter 4 Chapter 4
5 1/5/2022 Chapter 5 Chapter 5
6 1/6/2022 Chapter 6 Chapter 6
7 1/7/2022 Chapter 7 Chapter 6, continued
8 1/8/2022 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
9 1/9/2022 Chapter 9 Chapter 8
10 1/10/2022 Chapter 10 Chapter 9
11 1/11/2022 Chapter 11 Chapter 9, continued
12 1/12/2022 Chapter 12 Chapter 10
13 1/13/2022 Chapter 13 Chapter 11
14 1/14/2022 Chapter 14 Chapter 12
15 1/15/2022 Chapter 15 Chapter 13
16 1/16/2022 Chapter 16 Chapter 14
17 1/17/2022 Chapter 17 Chapter 15
18 1/18/2022 Chapter 18 Chapter 16
19 1/19/2022 Chapter 19 Chapter 17
20 1/20/2022 Chapter 20 Chapter 18
21 1/21/2022 Chapter 21 Chapter 19
22 1/22/2022 Chapter 22 Chapter 20
23 1/23/2022 Chapter 23 Chapter 21
24 1/24/2022 Chapter 24 Chapter 22
25 1/25/2022 Chapter 25 Chapter 23
26 1/26/2022 Chapter 26 Chapter 24
27 1/27/2022 Chapter 27 Chapter 25
28 1/28/2022 Chapter 28 Chapter 26
29 1/29/2022 Chapter 29 Chapter 27
30 1/30/2022 Chapter 30 Chapter 28
31 1/31/2022 Chapter 31 Chapter 29
32 2/1/2022 Chapter 32 Chapter 30
33 2/2/2022 Chapter 33 Chapter 31
34 2/3/2022 Chapter 34 Chapter 32
35 2/4/2022 Chapter 35 Chapter 33
36 2/5/2022 Chapter 36 Chapter 34
37 2/6/2022 Chapter 37 Chapter 35
38 2/7/2022 Chapter 38 Chapter 36
39 2/8/2022 Chapter 39 Chapter 37
40 2/9/2022 Chapter 40 Chapter 38
41 2/10/2022 Chapter 41 Chapter 39
42 2/11/2022 Chapter 42 Chapter 40
43 2/12/2022 Chapter 43 Chapter 41
44 2/13/2022 Chapter 44 Chapter 42
45 2/14/2022 Chapter 45 Chapter 43
46 2/15/2022 Chapter 46 Chapter 44
47 2/16/2022 Chapter 47 Chapter 45
48 2/17/2022 Chapter 48 Chapter 46
49 2/18/2022 Chapter 49 Chapter 47
50 2/19/2022 Chapter 50 Chapter 48
51 2/20/2022 Chapter 51 Chapter 49
52 2/21/2022 Chapter 52 Chapter 50
53 2/22/2022 Chapter 53 Chapter 51
54 2/23/2022 Chapter 54 Chapter 52
55 2/24/2022 Chapter 55 Chapter 53
56 2/25/2022 Chapter 56 Chapter 54
57 2/26/2022 Chapter 57 Chapter 55
58 2/27/2022 Chapter 58 Chapter 56
59 2/28/2022 Chapter 59 Chapter 57
60 3/1/2022 Chapter 60 Chapter 58
61 3/2/2022 Chapter 61 Chapter 58, continued
62 3/3/2022 Chapter 62 Chapter 59
63 3/4/2022 Chapter 63 Chapter 60
64 3/5/2022 Chapter 64 Chapter 61
65 3/6/2022 Chapter 65 Chapter 61, continued
66 3/7/2022 Chapter 66 Chapter 62
67 3/8/2022 Chapter 67 Chapter 63
68 3/9/2022 Chapter 68 Chapter 64
69 3/10/2022 Chapter 69 Chapter 65
70 3/11/2022 Chapter 70 Chapter 66
71 3/12/2022 Chapter 71 Chapter 67
72 3/13/2022 Chapter 72 Chapter 68
73 3/14/2022 Chapter 73 Chapter 69
74 3/15/2022 Chapter 74 Chapter 70
75 3/16/2022 Chapter 75 Chapter 71
76 3/17/2022 Chapter 76 Chapter 72
77 3/18/2022 Chapter 77 Chapter 73
78 3/19/2022 Chapter 78 Chapter 74
79 3/20/2022 Chapter 79 Chapter 75
80 3/21/2022 Chapter 80 Chapter 76
81 3/22/2022 Chapter 81 Chapter 77
82 3/23/2022 Chapter 82 Chapter 78
83 3/24/2022 Chapter 83 Chapter 79
84 3/25/2022 Chapter 84 Chapter 80
85 3/26/2022 Chapter 85 Chapter 81
86 3/27/2022 Chapter 86 Chapter 82
87 3/28/2022 Chapter 87 Chapter 83
88 3/29/2022 Chapter 88 Chapter 83, continued
89 3/30/2022 Chapter 89 Chapter 84
90 3/31/2022 Chapter 90 Chapter 84, continued
91 4/1/2022 Chapter 91 Chapter 85
92 4/2/2022 Chapter 92 Chapter 86
93 4/3/2022 Chapter 93 Chapter 87
94 4/4/2022 Chapter 94 Chapter 88
95 4/5/2022 Chapter 95 Chapter 88, continued
96 4/6/2022 Chapter 96 Chapter 89
97 4/7/2022 Chapter 97 and Conclusion Chapter 90
The Vicomte de Bragelonne The Vicomte de Bragelonne
Part I: The Vicomte de Bragelonne Part I: The Vicomte de Bragelonne
98 4/8/2022 Chapter 1 Chapter 1
99 4/9/2022 Chapter 2 Chapter 2
100 4/10/2022 Chapter 3 Chapter 3
101 4/11/2022 Chapter 4 Chapter 4
102 4/12/2022 Chapter 5 Chapter 5
103 4/13/2022 Chapter 6 Chapter 6
104 4/14/2022 Chapter 7 Chapter 7
105 4/15/2022 Chapter 8 Chapter 8
106 4/16/2022 Chapter 9 Chapter 9
107 4/17/2022 Chapter 10 Chapter 10
108 4/18/2022 Chapter 11 Chapter 11
109 4/19/2022 Chapter 12 Chapter 12
110 4/20/2022 Chapter 13 Chapter 13
111 4/21/2022 Chapter 14 Chapter 14
112 4/22/2022 Chapter 15 Chapter 15
113 4/23/2022 Chapter 16 Chapter 16
114 4/24/2022 Chapter 17 Chapter 17
115 4/25/2022 Chapter 18 Chapter 18
116 4/26/2022 Chapter 19 Chapter 19
117 4/27/2022 Chapter 20 Chapter 20
118 4/28/2022 Chapter 21 Chapter 21
119 4/29/2022 Chapter 22 Chapter 22
120 4/30/2022 Chapter 23 Chapter 23
121 5/1/2022 Chapter 24 Chapter 24
122 5/2/2022 Chapter 25 Chapter 25
123 5/3/2022 Chapter 26 Chapter 26
124 5/4/2022 Chapter 27 Chapter 27
125 5/5/2022 Chapter 28 Chapter 28
126 5/6/2022 Chapter 29 Chapter 29
127 5/7/2022 Chapter 30 Chapter 30
128 5/8/2022 Chapter 31 Chapter 31
129 5/9/2022 Chapter 32 Chapter 32
130 5/10/2022 Chapter 33 Chapter 33
131 5/11/2022 Chapter 34 Chapter 34
132 5/12/2022 Chapter 35 Chapter 35
133 5/13/2022 Chapter 36 Chapter 36
134 5/14/2022 Chapter 37 Chapter 37
135 5/15/2022 Chapter 38 Chapter 38
136 5/16/2022 Chapter 39 Chapter 39
137 5/17/2022 Chapter 40 Chapter 40
138 5/18/2022 Chapter 41 Chapter 41
139 5/19/2022 Chapter 42 Chapter 42
140 5/20/2022 Chapter 43 Chapter 43
141 5/21/2022 Chapter 44 Chapter 44
142 5/22/2022 Chapter 45 Chapter 45
143 5/23/2022 Chapter 46 Chapter 46
144 5/24/2022 Chapter 47 Chapter 47
145 5/25/2022 Chapter 48 Chapter 48
146 5/26/2022 Chapter 49 Chapter 49
147 5/27/2022 Chapter 50 Chapter 50
148 5/28/2022 Chapter 51 Chapter 51
149 5/29/2022 Chapter 52 Chapter 52
150 5/30/2022 Chapter 53 Chapter 53
151 5/31/2022 Chapter 54 Chapter 54
152 6/1/2022 Chapter 55 Chapter 55
153 6/2/2022 Chapter 56 Chapter 56
154 6/3/2022 Chapter 57 Chapter 57
155 6/4/2022 Chapter 58 Chapter 58
156 6/5/2022 Chapter 59 Chapter 59
157 6/6/2022 Chapter 60 Chapter 60
158 6/7/2022 Chapter 61 Chapter 61
159 6/8/2022 Chapter 62 Chapter 62
160 6/9/2022 Chapter 63 Chapter 63
161 6/10/2022 Chapter 64 Chapter 64
162 6/11/2022 Chapter 65 Chapter 65
163 6/12/2022 Chapter 66 Chapter 66
164 6/13/2022 Chapter 67 Chapter 67
165 6/14/2022 Chapter 68 Chapter 68
166 6/15/2022 Chapter 69 Chapter 69
167 6/16/2022 Chapter 70 Chapter 70
168 6/17/2022 Chapter 71 Chapter 71
169 6/18/2022 Chapter 72 Chapter 72
170 6/19/2022 Chapter 73 Chapter 73
171 6/20/2022 Chapter 74 Chapter 74
172 6/21/2022 Chapter 75 Chapter 75
Part II: Ten Years Later
173 6/22/2022 Chapter 76 Chapter 1
174 6/23/2022 Chapter 77 Chapter 2
175 6/24/2022 Chapter 78 Chapter 3
176 6/25/2022 Chapter 79 Chapter 4
177 6/26/2022 Chapter 80 Chapter 5
178 6/27/2022 Chapter 81 Chapter 6
179 6/28/2022 Chapter 82 Chapter 7
180 6/29/2022 Chapter 83 Chapter 8
181 6/30/2022 Chapter 84 Chapter 9
182 7/1/2022 Chapter 85 Chapter 10
183 7/2/2022 Chapter 86 Chapter 11
184 7/3/2022 Chapter 87 Chapter 12
185 7/4/2022 Chapter 88 Chapter 13
186 7/5/2022 Chapter 89 Chapter 14
187 7/6/2022 Chapter 90 Chapter 15
188 7/7/2022 Chapter 91 Chapter 16
189 7/8/2022 Chapter 92 Chapter 17
Part II: Louise de la Vallière
190 7/9/2022 Chapter 1 Chapter 18
191 7/10/2022 Chapter 2 Chapter 19
192 7/11/2022 Chapter 3 Chapter 20
193 7/12/2022 Chapter 4 Chapter 21
194 7/13/2022 Chapter 5 Chapter 22
195 7/14/2022 Chapter 6 Chapter 23
196 7/15/2022 Chapter 7 Chapter 24
197 7/16/2022 Chapter 8 Chapter 25
198 7/17/2022 Chapter 9 Chapter 26
199 7/18/2022 Chapter 10 Chapter 27
200 7/19/2022 Chapter 11 Chapter 28
201 7/20/2022 Chapter 12 Chapter 29
202 7/21/2022 Chapter 13 Chapter 30
203 7/22/2022 Chapter 14 Chapter 31
204 7/23/2022 Chapter 15 Chapter 32
205 7/24/2022 Chapter 16 Chapter 33
206 7/25/2022 Chapter 17 Chapter 34
207 7/26/2022 Chapter 18 Chapter 35
208 7/27/2022 Chapter 19 Chapter 36
209 7/28/2022 Chapter 20 Chapter 37
210 7/29/2022 Chapter 21 Chapter 38
211 7/30/2022 Chapter 22 Chapter 39
212 7/31/2022 Chapter 23 Chapter 40
213 8/1/2022 Chapter 24 Chapter 41
214 8/2/2022 Chapter 25 Chapter 42
215 8/3/2022 Chapter 26 Chapter 43
216 8/4/2022 Chapter 27 Chapter 44
217 8/5/2022 Chapter 28 Chapter 45
218 8/6/2022 Chapter 29 Chapter 46
219 8/7/2022 Chapter 30 Chapter 47
220 8/8/2022 Chapter 31 Chapter 48
221 8/9/2022 Chapter 32 Chapter 49
222 8/10/2022 Chapter 33 Chapter 50
223 8/11/2022 Chapter 34 Chapter 51
224 8/12/2022 Chapter 35 Chapter 52
225 8/13/2022 Chapter 36 Chapter 53
226 8/14/2022 Chapter 37 Chapter 54
227 8/15/2022 Chapter 38 Chapter 55
228 8/16/2022 Chapter 39 Chapter 56
229 8/17/2022 Chapter 40 Chapter 57
230 8/18/2022 Chapter 41 Chapter 58
231 8/19/2022 Chapter 42 Chapter 59
232 8/20/2022 Chapter 43 Chapter 60
233 8/21/2022 Chapter 44 Chapter 61
234 8/22/2022 Chapter 45 Chapter 62
235 8/23/2022 Chapter 46 Chapter 63
236 8/24/2022 Chapter 47 Chapter 64
237 8/25/2022 Chapter 48 Chapter 65
Part III: Louise de la Vallière
238 8/26/2022 Chapter 49 Chapter 1
239 8/27/2022 Chapter 50 Chapter 2
240 8/28/2022 Chapter 51 Chapter 3
241 8/29/2022 Chapter 52 Chapter 4
242 8/30/2022 Chapter 53 Chapter 5
243 8/31/2022 Chapter 54 Chapter 6
244 9/1/2022 Chapter 55 Chapter 7
245 9/2/2022 Chapter 56 Chapter 8
246 9/3/2022 Chapter 57 Chapter 9
247 9/4/2022 Chapter 58 Chapter 10
248 9/5/2022 Chapter 59 Chapter 11
249 9/6/2022 Chapter 60 Chapter 12
250 9/7/2022 Chapter 61 Chapter 13
251 9/8/2022 Chapter 62 Chapter 14
252 9/9/2022 Chapter 63 Chapter 15
253 9/10/2022 Chapter 64 Chapter 16
254 9/11/2022 Chapter 65 Chapter 17
255 9/12/2022 Chapter 66 Chapter 18
256 9/13/2022 Chapter 67 Chapter 19
257 9/14/2022 Chapter 68 Chapter 20
258 9/15/2022 Chapter 69 Chapter 21
259 9/16/2022 Chapter 70 Chapter 22
260 9/17/2022 Chapter 71 Chapter 23
261 9/18/2022 Chapter 72 Chapter 24
262 9/19/2022 Chapter 73 Chapter 25
263 9/20/2022 Chapter 74 Chapter 26
264 9/21/2022 Chapter 75 Chapter 27
265 9/22/2022 Chapter 76 Chapter 28
266 9/23/2022 Chapter 77 Chapter 29
267 9/24/2022 Chapter 78 Chapter 30
268 9/25/2022 Chapter 79 Chapter 31
269 9/26/2022 Chapter 80 Chapter 32
270 9/27/2022 Chapter 81 Chapter 33
271 9/28/2022 Chapter 82 Chapter 34
272 9/29/2022 Chapter 83 Chapter 35
273 9/30/2022 Chapter 84 Chapter 36
274 10/1/2022 Chapter 85 Chapter 37
275 10/2/2022 Chapter 86 Chapter 38
Part III: The Man in the Iron Mask
276 10/3/2022 Chapter 1 Chapter 39
277 10/4/2022 Chapter 2 Chapter 40
278 10/5/2022 Chapter 3 Chapter 41
279 10/6/2022 Chapter 4 Chapter 42
280 10/7/2022 Chapter 5 Chapter 43
281 10/8/2022 Chapter 6 Chapter 44
282 10/9/2022 Chapter 7 Chapter 45
283 10/10/2022 Chapter 8 Chapter 46
284 10/11/2022 Chapter 9 Chapter 47
285 10/12/2022 Chapter 10 Chapter 48
286 10/13/2022 Chapter 11 Chapter 49
287 10/14/2022 Chapter 12 Chapter 50
288 10/15/2022 Chapter 13 Chapter 51
289 10/16/2022 Chapter 14 Chapter 52
290 10/17/2022 Chapter 15 Chapter 53
291 10/18/2022 Chapter 16 Chapter 54
292 10/19/2022 Chapter 17 Chapter 55
293 10/20/2022 Chapter 18 Chapter 56
294 10/21/2022 Chapter 19 Chapter 57
295 10/22/2022 Chapter 20 Chapter 58
296 10/23/2022 Chapter 21 Chapter 59
297 10/24/2022 Chapter 22 Chapter 60
298 10/25/2022 Chapter 23 Chapter 61
299 10/26/2022 Chapter 24 Chapter 62
300 10/27/2022 Chapter 25 Chapter 63
301 10/28/2022 Chapter 26 Chapter 64
302 10/29/2022 Chapter 27 Chapter 65
303 10/30/2022 Chapter 28 Chapter 66
304 10/31/2022 Chapter 29 Chapter 67
Part IV: The Man in the Iron Mask
305 11/1/2022 Chapter 30 Chapter 1
306 11/2/2022 Chapter 31 Chapter 2
307 11/3/2022 Chapter 32 Chapter 3
308 11/4/2022 Chapter 33 Chapter 4
309 11/5/2022 Chapter 34 Chapter 5
310 11/6/2022 Chapter 35 Chapter 6
311 11/7/2022 Chapter 36 Chapter 7
312 11/8/2022 Chapter 37 Chapter 8
313 11/9/2022 Chapter 38 Chapter 9
314 11/10/2022 Chapter 39 Chapter 10
315 11/11/2022 Chapter 40 Chapter 11
316 11/12/2022 Chapter 41 Chapter 12
317 11/13/2022 Chapter 42 Chapter 13
318 11/14/2022 Chapter 43 Chapter 14
319 11/15/2022 Chapter 44 Chapter 15
320 11/16/2022 Chapter 45 Chapter 16
321 11/17/2022 Chapter 46 Chapter 17
322 11/18/2022 Chapter 47 Chapter 18
323 11/19/2022 Chapter 48 Chapter 19
324 11/20/2022 Chapter 49 Chapter 20
325 11/21/2022 Chapter 50 Chapter 21
326 11/22/2022 Chapter 51 Chapter 22
327 11/23/2022 Chapter 52 Chapter 23
328 11/24/2022 Chapter 53 Chapter 24
329 11/25/2022 Chapter 54 Chapter 25
330 11/26/2022 Chapter 55 Chapter 26
331 11/27/2022 Chapter 56 Chapter 27
332 11/28/2022 Chapter 57 Chapter 28
333 11/29/2022 Chapter 58 Chapter 29
334 11/30/2022 Chapter 59 Chapter 30
335 12/1/2022 Chapter 60 Chapter 31
336 12/2/2022 Chapter 61 Chapter 32
337 12/3/2022 Chapter 62 Chapter 33
338 12/4/2022 Chapter 63 Chapter 34
339 12/5/2022 Chapter 64 Chapter 35
340 12/6/2022 Chapter 65 Chapter 36
341 12/7/2022 Chapter 66 Chapter 37
342 12/8/2022 Chapter 67 Chapter 38
343 12/9/2022 Chapter 68 Chapter 39
344 12/10/2022 Chapter 69 Chapter 40
345 12/11/2022 Chapter 70 Chapter 41
346 12/12/2022 Chapter 71 Chapter 42
347 12/13/2022 Chapter 72 Chapter 43
348 12/14/2022 Chapter 73 Chapter 44
349 12/15/2022 Chapter 74 Chapter 45
350 12/16/2022 Chapter 75 Chapter 46
351 12/17/2022 Chapter 76 Chapter 47
352 12/18/2022 Chapter 77 Chapter 48
353 12/19/2022 Chapter 78 Chapter 49
354 12/20/2022 Chapter 79 Chapter 50
355 12/21/2022 Chapter 80 Chapter 51
356 12/22/2022 Chapter 81 Chapter 52
357 12/23/2022 Chapter 82 Chapter 53
358 12/24/2022 Chapter 83 Chapter 54
359 12/25/2022 Chapter 84 Chapter 55
360 12/26/2022 Chapter 85 Chapter 56
361 12/27/2022 Chapter 86 Chapter 57
362 12/28/2022 Chapter 87 Chapter 58
363 12/29/2022 Chapter 88 Chapter 59
364 12/30/2022 Epilogue 1 Chapter 60
365 12/31/2022 Epilogue 2 Epilogue

Deacon Nick

Nick Senger is a husband, a father of four, a Roman Catholic deacon and a Catholic school principal. He taught junior high literature and writing for over 25 years, and has been a Catholic school educator since 1990. In 2001 he was named a Distinguished Teacher of the Year by the National Catholic Education Association.

13 Responses

  1. Rick Barry says:

    I’m in. I loved The Three Musketeers in middle school and The Count of Monte Cristo in Nick’s earlier readalong, possibly the best adventure story ever. ‘Nuff said!

  2. Liz says:

    Oh goodness, what an epic announcement! I was wavering about whether to peel off after David Copperfield because The Three Musketeers did not particularly appeal. But I now feel strangely compelled to carry on!! ? I think it may be the lure of reading The Man in the Iron Mask which has always interested me, who knows. But I’ll definitely be starting with you and Rick and will see how it goes! ?

  3. MaryR says:

    I have my copy in hand and am ready to start The Three Musketeers. It will be my first time reading Dumas so will have to see how it goes before I can consider moving ahead with the series. I have been setting aside books from my shelves to read a-chapter-a-day because it is going so well for me with Great Expectations.

  4. I’ve never read The Three Musketeers before, so I also never knew it was actually a series. I’m up for this challenge. Let’s ride!

  5. Robin says:

    I’m going to join you in this read-a-long! The Three Musketeers has been on my TBR list forever, so it’s time, and reading it this way will be fun.

  6. Tom Arceneaux says:

    I am in as well. Been along since Les Miserables and wouldn’t stop now!

  7. Just noticed there is a 2019 take on the Musketeers called “Milady” by Laura L. Sullivan. I wonder if that might be an interesting companion piece to read in 2022?

  8. just lori says:

    I discovered your challenge mid-December when looking for my reading challenge for 2022. I love Dumas and it has been years since I have read the Musketeers series. What a perfect challenge for me this year. Since I started late, I have been trying to catch up to the reading schedule and should be there by the end of January.

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