
About One Catholic Life

One Catholic Life developed out of an earlier blog I wrote called Literary Compass, which began on June 30, 2006, and ended on December 19, 2008. As my interests and goals as a blogger changed, and as I became more comfortable with the WordPress blogging platform, I started One Catholic Life and imported most of the posts from Literary Compass here. Alas, I could not import the comments, which are left behind on blogspot.com.

Here’s what you’ll find on One Catholic Life:

Books and Reading

I love to read and I love to write about books. Many of the posts here will be about the books I love, the books I’m reading, or the books I would like to read. The header image above shows several of my favorite books, though there are many more I could have chosen. For more about my reading habits and interests, check out the Books and Reading and Poetry categories. And be sure to check out my Catholic Classics Reading List and my Summary of Great Books Lists.

Faith and Preaching

Here at One Catholic Life you’ll also find spiritual reflections, prayers, and faith stories. I post my Sunday homilies here, or you can subscribe to them on the One Catholic Life podcast on iTunes. As a Catholic deacon and Catholic school principal, you’ll also find me writing about the diaconate and Catholic education.

Live and Living

I also love music, movies, teachingtechnology, and writing, so you can expect the occasional post on those topics, too, as well as whatever else I might be inspired to write.


About Nick

Nick Senger is a husband, a father of four, a Roman Catholic deacon, and a Catholic school principal.  He taught junior high literature and writing for over 25 years, and has been a Catholic school educator since 1990. In 2001 he was named a Distinguished Teacher of the Year by the National Catholic Education Association.

A graduate of Gonzaga University, Nick was featured in Gonzaga Magazine and was a guest on CatholicTV’s This Is the Day. He is the author of ROMAN Reading: 5 Essential Skills for Transforming Your Life through Literature, and his articles have appeared in Momentum Magazine, The Bronze Gazette, and in Dynamic Catholic’s Teach Lead Serve training program for catechists and Catholic teachers.

The opinions expressed here are his own and do not represent any institution by which he is employed or with which he is associated.


7 Responses

  1. After reading your bio and perusing your site I felt called to introduce myself. I, too, taught Catholic school for several years before home schooling my six children. I love my faith and am a strong believer in teaching our faith to younger generations in a classroom setting or home school. It is refreshing to find other educators ministering to youth in a traditional Catholic setting. I am trying to pass my lessons to Catholic teachers and schools so that Christ’s message is sent to our children in a manner that is pleasing to the Magisterium, but fun for children. Please take a moment to look over http://www.catholicteacherdaydreams.com and pass it to whomever will enjoy it. Congratulations to you for your NCEA honor.

  2. Hi Nick,

    I follow you on Twitter and enjoy reading your blog. I just wanted to drop a note to introduce a series of books for the iPad which might be of interest to you and others who follow you on your blog and social media. We are a young startup company creating immersive,educational books for children. Our purpose/mission is to emphasize the importance of early learning and parental involvement in helping kids be motivated about learning. We believe that parental involvement in their child’s life in the early years is vital to their long term academic success.

    We are creating books with a unique approach of giving kids the ability to experience things they might otherwise not have access to. These experiences are more “story telling” as opposed to textbook style learning. Each book also has a series of fun activities and a “Test Your Knowledge” section.

    These books are also ideal for parents to read to their kids. The format also allows them to read a few pages a day and then engage in “conversations” with their children.

    These books are part of our “Learning Infinity” series. We have several new books in the pipeline and the information on our current books and future releases is be available at http://learninginfinity.com . Hope you find this useful and I welcome your feedback. The books are available for the iPad on the iBooks store.

    We really want to reach an audience of educators,parents and children, where our books will serve a purpose. We ave also received great feedback from parents with special needs children and SLP (speech pathologists) regarding the value of our books as a supplemental tool in their practice. Our upcoming books also deal with subjects like: overcoming failure/hardship, character and integrity and stories for inspiration for young minds.

    Thank you for your time.

    Best regards,

    Knowledge Infinity Inc.
    NY, USA

  3. Tere Figueras says:

    What a serendipitous find! I came across your treasure trove of things Catholic while Pinterest-surfing. As a Catholic mom/grandmar/retired public school/CCD teacher, I have to say, “Wow!” And, of course, “Thank you!”
    Looking forward to getting new articles, ideas, and posts.

  4. Jake Evans says:

    Hi Nick! I think you might have tried to download and install my WordPress plugin, WPBookList. Just was wondering fi you had any trouble with it and what your thoughts/opinions were on it. If you have a sec, let me know. Nice site by the way!


    • Deacon Nick says:

      Hi Jake. Thanks for asking about WPBooklist. Yes, I was looking it, thinking it might be a way to display my books from Librarything. Once I looked at it more thoroughly, I saw that it was more of a replacement for Librarything. While it didn’t suit my needs, I think there are probably a lot of readers who will appreciate it, especially those who want more personal control over their online catalog of books. Thanks again for reaching out!

  5. Nancy says:

    Deacon Nick — I wanted to let you know how grateful I am that I discovered your website almost one year ago and learned about the Les Miserables Chapter-a-Day read along. I was one year off to truly read along but it was through this website that I was inspired to do the same in 2019. I finished today (17 days early) and am just giddy at completing this goal. As a long-time fan of Victor Hugo’s story in all it’s entertainment mediums, I’ve always known that I wanted to read a translated, unabridged version some day. This was the year and boy was it worth it. Many thanks.

    • Deacon Nick says:

      Nancy, your comment made my day! I am so happy that the read-a-long encouraged you to read Hugo’s great novel! That’s why I started these read-alongs in the first place, and hearing your experience gives me a big smile.

      I hope you consider reading along with us in 2020. I will have an announcement up very soon with all the details!

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