A Former Student Gives a Homily

Cathedral of St. Helena, Helena, MT
We’re back! Our week at Notre Dame was fantastic, but there’s nothing like sleeping in your own bed.
We had an uneventful trip home, praise God. On Sunday we drove through Helena, Montana to celebrate Mass at the cathedral there. I had never been there, and I was awestruck by the amount of marble and stained glass. Helena is not exactly on the way to anywhere, but if you ever get the chance, stop in and take a tour of the cathedral.
I’m currently uploading all of my pictures to Flickr, and I’ll link to them when I’m finished (What?–You didn’t think you’d get out of seeing my vacation pictures did you? At least you don’t have to think of a flimsy excuse to avoid coming over to my house to watch the slide show).
When I got back Sunday night I was disappointed to learn that I missed Deacon Matt Nicks’ first homily at my home parish of St. Peter’s. I wrote about Matt’s ordination a while back and was looking forward to hearing him. Fortunately, thanks to technology, I still got to hear it, even though I couldn’t be there. Our music director records all of the parish homilies and sends them to me as mp3 files so I can upload them to our Keys to the Kingdom podcast.