Tagged: video
Gorgeous Lord of the Rings Violin Medley on YouTube
Here’s violinist Lindsey Stirling with a beautiful medley of music from Lord of the Rings: Thanks to TheOneRing.net for the tip!
A Day Made of Glass 2: Is This the Future?
Today Corning released a sequel to last year’s viral video A Day Made of Glass. This year they’re focusing more on the benefits to society, rather than on how glass might be used to improve the workplace and home environment. You’ll see classrooms, hospitals, and state parks of the future–or at least how Corning hopes the future will look. It’s a beautiful video, though it makes me wonder if everyone will get to enjoy a future like this, or just those above a particular income level. Here’s the...
Catholic Students Are Dynamite!
It’s Catholic Schools Week, and the Diocese of Sacramento has just released this great video celebrating Catholic students:
Open the Door and Let the Spirit Get to Work
Deacon Greg Kandra has a seemingly endless supply of inspiring, funny, and/or deeply spiritual videos to post on his blog The Deacon’s Bench. Here’s one he posted yesterday about a parish that’s using its prime location to great effect in evangelizing: Sometimes it’s that simple. God doesn’t need much from us–just a little–and once we’ve opened the door, the Spirit gets to work. Read the rest of the story at The Deacon’s Bench to find out what St. John’s is doing over Superbowl weekend.
Hundreds Work Together to Create Unbelievable Fan-made Star Wars Movie
“Crowdsourcing: the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers.” – Merriam-Webster.com Made from the contributions of hundreds of people around the world, this version of Star Wars: A New Hope is a crowdsourced wonder:
Vocation in The Lord of the Rings
Though National Vocation Awareness Week has ended for this year, the working out or living out of our vocations goes on. Jeffrey Langan, Associate Professor at Notre Dame, delivers a fascinating lecture in which he uses Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings to illustrate the dynamic of vocation. Though he seems to be speaking mostly about the ordained or religious life, many of his remarks could also be applied to marriage and other vocations.
In-Flight Photos and Video over Montana
As I make my way to Notre Dame, I am taken by the beauty and peace of this land America and the clouds that wreath it. Though I’m a nervous flier, once we’re in the air all anxiety ceases and I sit back and enjoy the ride. As we took off this morning, the space shuttle Atlantis also launched, bringing the shuttle program to an end. It is sad for me. I remember when my grandfather first told me about the shuttle program, and I recall watching the...
Independence Day in Small Town America
Celebrating the 4th of July in a small town is a cornucopia of Cowboys, corndogs, and carousels. This year we spent Independence Day with my wife’s family in Idaho, taking in as much Americana as we could. We began yesterday by catching candy thrown from the floats at the Grangeville Border Days parade, then stuffed ourselves on shaved ice, grilled burgers and corndogs. The kids had fun spinning around on carnival rides and winning prizes from the carnies. In the evening we enjoyed a rodeo, complete with barrel...
Moody Blues in Concert
I’ve been experimenting with the Posterous iPhone app, and I thought I’d check to see how Posterous integrated with my blog. Please pardon me if this post disappears. This is video from a Moody Blues concert I attended a few weeks ago. Great concert. I never thought I’d have a chance to see these guys perform live. http://www.nicksenger.com/onecatholiclife/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/moodyblues.m4vPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS
Look at Your Man, Now Look at Me – A Parody for Students
Joe Bower posted a link to a parody of the popular Old Spice body wash commercials that have been taking YouTube by storm. It’s well worth spreading around to any students you know: First, the original commercial: Now, the parody:
Unless You Become Like Children…
Matthew 8: 1-6 At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who...