Tagged: MinecraftEdu
MinecraftEdu Rendition of the Church of the Good Shepherd Beverly Hills
As I wait to board the plane to NCCE 2016 in Seattle, I have some time to post screenshots of the great progress two 8th graders working under the name “AandL.” have done in MinecraftEdu. They chose to reproduce the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, California. Here is what AandL have to say about the church: Welcome to the Church of the good shepherd in Beverly Hills, California. It was created on December 12, 1923 and designed by J.J. Donnellan. It has been around for...
One of Our Catholic Parish Churches Rendered in MinecraftEdu
The eighth graders are continuing to build their Catholic landmarks in MinecraftEdu. Peyton and Dylan in particular have done an amazing job recreating Our Lady of Fatima church. Our Lady of Fatima is one of the three parishes that our school serves, so they’re both very familiar with it. While most groups began by working on the outside of their buildings, Peyton and Dylan began constructing from the inside and worked their way out. The video below shows how much detail they have put into their work. But...
Catholic Landmarks in MinecraftEdu
One of the most enjoyable projects I’ve watched the students work on this year is the Catholic Landmarks Project in MinecraftEdu. Working in groups of two or three, eighth grade students have chosen a Catholic landmark and are constructing it in MinecraftEdu. Some of the landmarks are famous, like St. Peter’s Basilica, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, or the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio. Some of the landmarks are of local interest, like their parish church. Once the building is completed, students will construct information kiosks...
The Wonderful World of Humanities in MinecraftEdu
Yesterday the sixth grade began using Eric Walker’s Wonderful World of Humanities in MinecraftEdu. The World of Humanities is an advanced installation of MinecraftEdu that allows students to explore and learn about ancient civilizations. This world is a perfect complement to our sixth grade social studies curriculum. Even though we are running MinecraftEdu on older MacBooks, the students really enjoyed themselves and were excited to interact with people from ancient Rome and Greece. After initially trying to create and build, as they are used to doing in Minecraft,...