Tagged: literature


Random Thoughts on The Apology of Socrates by Plato

It has been about two and a half years since I last read The Apology of Socrates, and I have taken a more methodical approach to reading it this time. It seems to me that the real essence of the Apology is the question, “What is wisdom?” Is it wise to continue to defy the authorities and be put to death? I think Socrates would say yes, as long as you are doing the good. Several times he said he would rather be poor or even die rather...

How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler

How to Read a Book

Some books take no extra skills to read–all of their benefits are on the surface waiting for you. Others hide their treasures below the surface and you have to go after them like a deep sea diver, returning and returning again to appreciate their beauty and discover their meaning. Books like The Brothers Karamazov and City of God require extra literary skills to understand, but the effort is worth it. If you’ve never had a good literature class, or if it’s been a while since your last one,...

J.R.R. Tolkien

Tolkien and Me

When I was in junior high (somewhere around 1979) an animated TV show caught my attention. It was the Rankin/Bass production of The Hobbit. I have never been the same. The next day I rode my bike through the streets of Billings, Montana to the tiny bookstore in West Park Plaza, the nearest thing we had to a mall. I can still see exactly where the Tolkien books rested on the shelves, very bottom, slightly left of center. Moments later, with money earned by delivering the Billings Gazette,...