Tagged: Lilith

2019 Chapter-a-Day Read-along Wrap Up

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Chapter-a-Day Read-along, whether you read all four books or limited yourself to one, two or three of them. In this post I’ll share a few of my reflections on the year, and I would love to know your thoughts about the experience. I invite you to leave a comment on this post to share what reading a chapter a day was like for you. First of all, while I still love Don Quixote, I am not sure that reading...

Preparing for the 2019 Chapter-a-Day Read-along: Lilith

Our read-along of The Count of Monte Cristo is almost done, so it’s time to get ready for our next book, Lilith, by George MacDonald. Lilith is going to be quite a change from Dumas’ tale of revenge, so it may take a little adjustment of one’s reading mindset. Not only is Lilith a fantasy story, but it’s also quite dark, dense, and deep. It has been called “a long parabolic narrative heavily laden with Victorian Christian symbolism,” so get ready for some allegorical writing. Lilith is our shortest read-along of...

Announcing the 2019 Chapter-a-Day Read-Along

This is the official sign-up post for the 2019 Chapter-a-Day Read-along. The Les Misérables Chapter-a-Day Read-along was so much fun in 2018 that I’m happy to host another one for 2019. The thing is, there aren’t too many books that have exactly 365 chapters. In fact, I know of only two: Les Misérables and War and Peace. I took a poll among my readers, and the vast majority of responders were not interested in reading War and Peace next year. So, rather than focus on one book in 2019,...