Tagged: apps

Bible and iPhone

Prayer in the Digital Age by Matt Swaim

I’m a tech guy and a Catholic school administrator, so I was very interested when a kind-hearted school parent gave me a copy of Matt Swaim’s Prayer in the Digital Age. I was hoping it would give me insights into how to help students cultivate the habit of prayer in today’s digital world. The blurb on the back promised “practical suggestions for learning how to ‘unplug’ in order to cultivate a fruitful relationship with God.” Unfortunately, the book’s suggestions were lost in a sea of negativity, generalizations, and judgments....

iBrevary iPhone App

iBreviary – Using Your iPod to Consecrate the Day

  iBreviary is the perfect app for anyone who desires the pray the Liturgy of the Hours but has a difficult time finding the correct readings in the four thousand pages that make up the printed prayer books.  The four volume set of books that makes up the full text of the Divine Office is beautiful to behold, but is also heavy, cumbersome and costs well over one hundred dollars.  iBreviary, on the other hand, is as light as your iPod Touch or iPhone, fits easily in your...


Catholic iPod Apps – First in a Series

In a recent Twitter conversation with JaredDees and BarbinNebraska, the subject of iPod apps for teachers came up. I don’t use too many apps for teaching yet, but I use several Catholic apps regularly, so I thought it might be helpful to write a series of articles about them. Apps are small programs that can be purchased in iTunes and synced to an iPhone or an iPod Touch. Many of the apps are free, and most that cost money are 99 cents. I download apps to my iPod...