Author: Deacon Nick

The Three Musketeers

My Favorite Reads of 2015

2015 was a down year for me in terms of number of books read. I had some academic responsibilities in the summer and early fall that took up time I would usually have spent reading. Because of that I missed hitting my reading goal of 40 books. Still, I read 23 books, and these are my top 5: The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas – This was a great re-read, and I hope at some point to read the sequels. In His Spirit by Richard Hauser, SJ – A spiritual...

The Visitation by Lorenzo Monaco

Mature Faith and the Visitation – Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

I remember when Brenda was pregnant with each of our four kids, how she would often talk with other women who were also pregnant. There’s a bond that forms between mothers. Only they understand what it’s like to carry a living being within themselves. Only they understand the cravings, the anxieties, the joys. They learn from each other, commiserate with each other, reassure each other. And that bond doesn’t end after the babies are born. It continues as the children get their first teeth, get out of diapers,...

World of Humanities Promo

The Wonderful World of Humanities in MinecraftEdu

Yesterday the sixth grade began using Eric Walker’s Wonderful World of Humanities in MinecraftEdu. The World of Humanities is an advanced installation of MinecraftEdu that allows students to explore and learn about ancient civilizations. This world is a perfect complement to our sixth grade social studies curriculum. Even though we are running MinecraftEdu on older MacBooks, the students really enjoyed themselves and were excited to interact with people from ancient Rome and Greece. After initially trying to create and build, as they are used to doing in Minecraft,...

Elisabeth Leseur

Not One of Our Prayers Is Lost – Elisabeth Leseur on All Saints Day

From Elisabeth Leseur, Selected Writings, as quoted in today’s Give Us This Day: This is a lovely feast, the feast of those who already live in God, those whom we have loved and who have obtained happiness and light; it is the feast of eternity. And what a fine idea to make the feast of the dead follow so soon! During these two days a vast stream of prayer and love flows through the three worlds: between the church in heaven, the church one earth, and the church...

Truck Driver Hits

What Are You Asking? – Homily for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When I was about eleven or twelve years old, I was fascinated by the life of long-haul truckers. I used to listen to songs by Red Sovine and Merle Haggard, watch movies like Smokey and the Bandit, and dream about living life on the road. One year I asked my mom and dad for a CB radio for my birthday so I could talk to all the truckers on the road from my room at home. Their response was similar to Jesus’ answer to James and John: “You...

Pope Paul VI

No More War, War Never Again! – Homily for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This weekend is Catechetical Sunday, the day we recognize and commission those who assist parents in the important task of handing on the faith. While the primary duty of handing on the faith belongs to parents, it’s such a monumental task that it’s good to have some assistance. That’s why Catholic schools and religious education programs exist. It takes an entire community working together in Christ to build the Kingdom of God. And in the work of catechesis, there are three teaching strategies that are particularly helpful: asking...

Moving In

Liminal Spaces – Homily for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

This past week on Facebook a former student posted a picture of herself with her husband. They’ve been married almost two years, and they were standing with their arms around each other next to the “Sold” sign in front of their very first house. She’s about five months pregnant as they get ready to welcome their first child this coming December. I imagine there are lots of families moving into new homes this summer, getting used to new cities, new neighborhoods, children about to start the year in...

Mountain Meadow

Back to the Meadow – Homily for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings form a beautiful progression: In the first reading God makes a promise. The responsorial psalm responds to that promise. The Gospel shows the fulfillment of the promise. And all three center on the figure of the shepherd. First, God promises. During the time of the prophet Jeremiah, the people of God were scattered. They were beaten down. The Babylonians had laid siege to Jerusalem, and had ultimately destroyed the Temple. The chosen people are in exile. The kings of Israel, who were supposed to shepherd the...

Rembrandt - Christ Calming Storm

The Message of the Sea – Homily for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

I love a good historical novel about ships and sailing, especially stories set in the Napoleonic era, when England and France battled on the high seas. But, though my mom and dad were both in the Navy, I’m not much of a sailor myself. The first and only time I sailed on the ocean was twenty-five years ago, when Brenda and I took the ferry from Seattle to Victoria, British Columbia, on our honeymoon. For a short period of time—only about 15 or 20 minutes— land was out...

Cloud Computing

Into the Cloud: Homily for the Ascension

On this Solemnity of the Ascension, the Scriptures describe Jesus as being lifted up into the cloud. We hear a lot about “the cloud” these days. We can put our documents in the cloud. Or we can keep our pictures in the cloud. We can even put our music and books in the cloud. It’s really convenient having our music or all of our books at our fingertips. But for many of us, switching to the cloud can be a difficult transition. We’ve probably got file cabinets full...