One of my favorite things about starting a new month is opening up a new issue of Give Us This Day: Daily Prayer for Today’s Catholic. The opening pages for this month’s edition greeted me with a prayer for students and teachers from the Book of Blessings, and I thought you might like to consider it as you prepare for the new school year:
Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
In times long past you sent us your prophets
to teach your laws
and to bear witness to your undying love.
You sent us your Son
to teach us by word and example
that true wisdom comes from you alone.Send your Spirit upon these students and their teachers
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that during this academic year
they may devote themselves to their studies
and share what they have learned from others.Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Those of us who teach in Catholic schools are the prophets God sends in our time to teach his laws and bear witness to his undying love. We are called to be Christ to our students, to teach them by word and example that true wisdom comes from God alone.
As you return from vacation and begin preparing for this year’s adventure in teaching, may God bless you with all the graces you need to be his prophet.