In light of news this week that e-books are outselling hardcovers at, I’m beginning a new feature here at Catholic School Chronicle: Kindle Books for Catholic Educators. Catholic education is a pretty narrow market, so chances are you won’t be finding too many of these books in your local bookstore; with the Kindle, however, you can be reading any of these books within seconds of ordering them. And remember, with a Kindle you can download a sample to see if the book is right for you.
Our first two books come from 8th grade catechist Joe Paprocki and popular Catholic author Amy Welborn.
The Catechist’s Toolbox: How to Thrive as a Religion Education Teacher by Joe Paprocki. Loyola Press. Print Length: 148 pages. Kindle Price: $7.95.
Each year, roughly one-third of the more than five hundred thousand volunteer catechists in Catholic parishes are new to the job; they come with little formal training for their work and are essentially students themselves, quickly needing to learn how to prepare a lesson, lead a discussion, supervise children, apply discipline, and help kids grow in their faith. The Catechist’s Toolbox by Joe Paprocki is an invaluable collection of techniques, tips, methodologies, and advice for all catechists who must learn on the job. Paprocki shares the wisdom he has gleaned in two decades as a catechist, high schoolteacher, and religious educator. Employing the metaphor of a homeowner’s toolbox, Paprocki explains how a catechist is like a do-it-yourself builder who needs the right collection of tools to do the job; throughout the book, Paprocki explains what the tools are, what they can do, and how to use them skillfully and effectively. The Catechist’s Toolbox will help first-time catechists feel at home in their new role and will empower catechists at all levels of experience to thrive as educators of the faith. –
Loyola Kids Book of Saints by Amy Welborn. Loyola Press. Print Length: 307 pages. Kindle Price: $9.99.
Who are the saints, why are they important, and what can today’s children learn from them? In Loyola Kids Book of Saints, the first
book in the Loyola Kids series, author Amy Welborn answers these questions with exciting and inspiring stories, real-life applications, and important information about these heroes of the church. This delightful collection of saints’ lives, written in a storybook style for children eight to twelve, explains how saints becomes saints, why we honor them, and how they help us even today.
Divided thematically, the book features more than sixty saints from all over the world and from all across time, including our newest saints, such as St. Katharine Drexel; popular saints, such as St. Anthony of Padua; and Blesseds, such as Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. Each story tells about a saint and encourages readers to consider how they might apply what they learn from the story to their everyday lives. –
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Father Brighenti and I wrote CATHOLICISM FOR DUMMIES and SAINTS FOR DUMMIES, both of which are available on Kindle and we also wrote the CATHOLICISM ANSWER BOOK which is on Barnes & Noble Nook as well as Kindle, too.
Thanks, Fr. Trigillio! I have read Catholicism for Dummies and will try to feature it here soon.