The Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has connected 37 of it schools with a wide area computer network. According to the diocesan website, Harrisburg Bishop Joseph McFadden launched the network by hosting a videoconference in which students from 10 diocesan schools were able to ask the bishop questions.
In an interview on, Diocesan superintendent Livia Riley said “the new technology will allow students to perform science experiments with their counterparts in Australia or immerse themselves in virtual images of the Serengeti.”
If you’re looking for a fun and interesting way to connect your class with other students around the world, think about joining the Advent 2010 Project, launched by Catholic educator and social media maven Barb Gilman.
Gilman, known to her online community as Barb in Nebraska, is asking her third grade students to take digital photos of the Advent wreaths and nativity scenes in their homes. She then plans to post the photos on a special website hosted by Wikispaces.
Barb is inviting Catholic teachers everywhere to participate in this project. For information, follow Barb on Twitter @BarbinNebraska.
Great video! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! I thought I’d experiment with video and see if people liked getting their Catholic school news visually.
Thanks for promoting the Advent 2010 project! It’s an easy and fun project to bring Advent home to our students. I hope many more Catholic schools will join.