The Niagara Falls teacher has been coming up with app ideas for a number of years but discovered that developing and marketing an app can be a costly endeavour.
“I have these ideas since tablets came out but I found out that some apps are $30,000 to develop,” he said.
In December, however, the tides turned when he discovered Applits, a U.S.-based company that does all the legwork for budding app creators.
“The concept was great,” he said. “They want to make to make peoples’ dreams come true.”
Applits recently held a contest asking for app ideas and Stranges submitted an idea of an app that makes it easy for users to donate to a charity of their choice.
The app identifies charities based on a user’s preferences whether it’s from a recently-watched YouTube video or a news story.
“The goal is for it to be intuitive,” Stranges explained.
Users can donate to a charity and also win points towards additional monetary funds to use towards a future donation.
His iDonate app impressed the judges who felt the app fit perfectly with the company’s AppForCharity campaign.