As the prospect of my ordination to the diaconate draws ever closer (9-10 months away, God willing!), I am becoming more sensitive to articles and videos having to do with service. The following video expresses beautifully what it means to be a true servant. It would make a powerful statement during a service retreat with your students, or even as a way to begin a lesson on what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
Dr. Wayne Yakes Donates $5 Million to Central Catholic High in San Antonio
With profound gratitude, Dr. Wayne Yakes speaks about how Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, Texas changed his life:
H/T to Billy Calzada
Catholic School 8th Grader Uses YouTube to Find Job for Dad
Ben Gullett, an eighth grader at Nativity Catholic School in Tampa, Florida, is learning economics the hard way: his dad Mark recently lost his job as a marketing executive with the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey franchise . But Ben is also learning about marketing. He’s created a YouTube video to help his dad get a new job, and he’s drawn almost 20,000 viewers to see him flip through cards that tell his dad’s story.
The video tells potential employers about Ben’s dad, but more than that, it’s Ben’s way of expressing his admiration and love for his father. See for yourself in the video below, and if you know anyone looking for an experienced marketer, download Mark’s work profile and pass it on.
Read more about Ben and his Dad at
To Serve Those in Need
The Pope has a humanitarian organization called the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, and it is working to rebuild its clinics and grammar schools that were destroyed by the recent violence in the Gaza strip area. If you or your students would like to help, visit the CNEWA website:
Also, Thomas Awiapo spoke to our students recently about the great work being done by Catholic Relief Services. Below, you will find an inspirational Catholic Relief Services video about Thomas’ life:
If you would like to know more about Catholic Relief Services, visit their web site: