Catholic School Students Combat Epilepsy with Science

As the father of a child with epilepsy and a teacher in a Catholic school, the following story really touches my heart. Some sixth grade students from a Catholic school in Lake Mary, Florida, are hoping to help people with seizure disorders with their new invention: a seizure detector.

Justin, Curt, Nick and Adam have developed a sensor that “sniffs” out biological changes that occur in a body before a seizure occurs.

There are few things more gut-wrenching than watching your child experience a seizure. Maybe these sixth graders will help contribute to the fight against epilepsy. Great work, boys! And kudos to your teacher.

Check out the full story at MyFoxOrlando.

Cross posted at One Catholic Life.

Maddie’s Story: Inspirational Video from an Aspiring Teacher


Maddie hopes to be a Pre-K teacher someday, just like thousands of other college students. What makes Maddie’s hope unique is, as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story:

My favorite line from the video: “She has broadened what I understand as the Body of Christ.” I hope to see Maddie visiting this site some day as a Catholic educator.

Here are some ideas for using the video in the classroom:

Keep Conscience Protection for Health Care Workers

Conscience ProtectionDoes the government have the right to tell you what you can or cannot think, or should a person’s conscience be protected under the law? If you value the ability to think for yourself, make your own decisions, and live by those decisions, then urge the Obama administration to keep the Health and Human Services regulation which guarantees conscience protection for health care workers.

For more information, see the Conscience Protection Resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Catholic School 8th Grader Uses YouTube to Find Job for Dad

Ben Gullett
Ben Gullett

Ben Gullett, an eighth grader at Nativity Catholic School in Tampa, Florida, is learning economics the hard way: his dad Mark recently lost his job as a marketing executive with the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey franchise . But Ben is also learning about marketing. He’s created a YouTube video to help his dad get a new job, and he’s drawn almost 20,000 viewers to see him flip through cards that tell his dad’s story.

The video tells potential employers about Ben’s dad, but more than that, it’s Ben’s way of expressing his admiration and love for his father. See for yourself in the video below, and if you know anyone looking for an experienced marketer, download Mark’s work profile and pass it on.

Read more about Ben and his Dad at