About Catholic School Chronicle
The mission of Catholic School Chronicle is to be a source of inspiration, news, and resources for all those interested in Catholic education. Though its primary audience is Catholic school teachers and administrators, Catholic School Chronicle also benefits others involved in Catholic education and catechesis.
About Nick

Nick Senger is a husband, a father of four, a Roman Catholic deacon, and a Catholic school principal. He taught junior high literature and writing for over 25 years, and has been a Catholic school educator since 1990. In 2001 he was named a Distinguished Teacher of the Year by the National Catholic Education Association.
A graduate of Gonzaga University, Nick was featured in Gonzaga Magazine and was a guest on CatholicTV’s This Is the Day. He is the author of ROMAN Reading: 5 Essential Skills for Transforming Your Life through Literature, and his articles have appeared in Momentum Magazine, The Bronze Gazette, and in Dynamic Catholic’s Teach Lead Serve training program for catechists and Catholic teachers.
The opinions expressed here are his own and do not represent any institution by which he is employed or with which he is associated.