Teen Literacy Tips Blog


Black Eyed Peas and Ocoee Middle School Keep Kids Reading

The Black Eyed Peas’ flash mob for Oprah inspired this fantastic reading video by the staff and students at Ocoee Middle School in Florida.  Enjoy it, and be sure to share it with your...


Create Online Quizzes Free with Google Docs

Wesley Fryer of Moving at the Speed of Creativity has a great post on using Google Docs for creating online quizzes. Wesley’s post includes two videos: the first shows how to create an online...


Shakespeare Teaches the Birds and the Bees with Sonnet 2

I was amused this morning when I read a tweet from helloSchmoop comparing Shakespeare’s Sonnet 2 to a parent giving their child “the talk.” You can see for yourself what they mean by visiting...


Kindle Unboxing Video from CrunchGear

While I’m still waiting for my Kindle 2 e-reader (it should be here in the day or two), John Biggs over at CrunchGear has already received his. His unboxing video may not convince anyone...