Author: Nick


Middle School Read-Alouds that Take Less than 10 Minutes

I love reading novels aloud to my students, but sometimes I want something short and self-contained. These books will give you enough read-aloud material to last an entire school year (and then some). Not...


How NOT to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

Enjoy these two videos and think about them as you sit through your next PowerPoint-driven faculty meeting or inservice: How NOT to make a PowerPoint presentation: An example of an effective PowerPoint presentation (sound...


Be Brief and Be Seated: Exercises in Economy

Franklin Roosevelt once gave his son this advice on public speaking: “Be sincere, be brief and be seated.” Here are some ideas from around the web to help you teach brevity to your students:...


Reading Quotes for Your Bulletin Board

I’m always on the lookout for thought-provoking ideas in the form of quotes. I use them for bulletin boards, for classroom posters and to give to students for them to paraphrase and discuss. Here’s...